High on the pedestal, a little boy climbs to the sky while his playmate looks on. The bronze sculpture appears weightless. The scene is agile, playful, optimistic and emphasizes the carefree nature of youth. While one is scrambling up the unstable rope ladder, the other boy reaches out a helping hand. He stands steady with both feet on the ground and watches attentively. To achieve their dreams, young people need each other. More than that: experimentation and thoughtfulness, feeling and reason complement each other and are needed to reach high goals in life.
HEIRBAUT Frans (1948)
Frans Heirbaut
Zwaanaardestraat 153
9112 Sinaai
Degree Higher Art Education Sculpture - 1974 - Sint-Niklaas
Degree Higher Art Education Drawing – 1975 - Sint-Niklaas
Certificate Secondary Arts Education Free Graphics – 1979 - Sint-Niklaas
Pro Venezia Viva Venezia Italia 1979 Course aiming at the conservation of architectural heritage in the European Centre for Craftsmen.
Restauration techniques.
Professional activities
Workshop of his father Gisleen Heirbaut till 1975
Restoration company Vlaeminck Lokeren 1975-1979
Diverse restorations of sculpture:
Cathedral Antwerpen, Abbey church Grimbergen, cemetery of Laken and similar
Teacher Stone-Sculpture: Academy Sint-Niklaas, Academy Antwerpen
Higher Education Institution Antwerpen
Specialization: shape research – rotation technique – profile technology
Individual exhibitions at home and abroad.
Project Jan Hoet in collaboration with Warp-Sint-Niklaas azobé-wood
Exhibitions Zwarte Panter-Antwerpen 2009 and 2011
Member of the Koninklijke Wase Kunstkring
Member of the Koninklijke Kunstkring Lucasgezellen
Laureate Prize Recognition of the Achievement Ernest Albert-Beeldhouwkunst-Mechelen 2008
Home base -1999 together with his father Gisleen Heirbaut
Tongeren-De negende maand-2009
Sculptures in Public Ownership
Assignment from the Ministery Nederlandse Cultuur-Monument Pater Frans Vandevelde-Landtskouter-stone of Balegem.
Group of sculptures-Sport en Cultureel centrum-Belsele-plaster
Shepherd-Sinaai-bronze-Initiative of the Festive and Sports committee De Zwaan and Kunst in de Stad Vzw.
Nativity scene -Sint-Niklaas-Wood/lime
Fisher-Recreational park De Ster-Sint-Niklaas-Artificial stone
Vlaamse Opera Gent-Bust Vina Bovy-Carrara marble
Bust Louis Paul Boon-Sint-Niklaas-Bronze
Bust senator Pros Matthijs-City Hall Sint-Niklaas-Kunst in de Stad Vzw
In de wolken-two children, two brothers, climb into the clouds-bronze-Kunst in de Stad Vzw-Nieuwkerken
Project Theater Zuidpool-Antwerpen, stage adaptation ‘Lucifer’ Vondel stageing Jan and Sofie Decleir and Koen Kaam. Realisation of several puppets.
2011 Culture prize of the city Sint-Niklaas
Bas relief : Schip Repair Workers-Antwerpen
Statue: City Guide Georges Van Cauwenbergh-Antwerpen
Statue: Fred Bervoets-Town Hall Zwijndrecht
2017 Johanna and Margaretha Van Constantinopel-800 years Sint-Niklaas-Grote Markt Sint-Niklaas-Kunst in de Stad Vzw
Welfare Center ’t Lammeken-Lamstraat Sint-Niklaas ‘Het Lammeken’
- In de Wolken
- In de Wolken
- In de Wolken
- In de Wolken
- In de wolken
Kunst in de Stad, September 15th 2001