This square monument was installed at Ten Bos in 2011. Walkers can walk through the over four meter high artwork, made of stainless steel. Through various viewing windows one then has a view of the church and its surroundings. The artist directs the viewer's attention in a specific direction, just as a painter or photographer selects and frames parts of a landscape. The most important dates about the construction of the chapel and church are engraved in the artwork. In this way the artist tells the history of this site in a contemporary way.
Hugo Kaïret was born in Haasdonk on 25 January 1953.
Since 2008 he has been studying contemporary sculpture in Niko Van Stichel's studio at the Stedelijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Sint-Niklaas. In that studio he can be creative with all kinds of materials. He gets his inspiration from important elements of his past history: nature, music and mathematics. Hugo Kaïret's sculptural work is the result of the mathematical dissection of a natural phenomenon, processed into a harmonious form.
In 2011, the village council of Nieuwkerken-Waas approached the Academy of Fine Arts in Sint-Niklaas to design a work of art. Hugo also submits a design and with success. His design 'Skybow' is chosen. On 10 December 2011 his work of art is installed and officially inaugurated under massive interest on the village square Ten Bos in Nieuwkerken. A monumental work of art in stainless steel over 4 meters high, 3 meters wide and 1300 kg which incorporates the history of Nieuwkerken. Hugo sees the work of art as a meeting place and a recognition point for people who visit the village square. When you walk through the 'Heaven's Arch' you get several viewing windows on the church and its surroundings. Barely four days after this inauguration, Hugo teaches his last math class
Ten Bos Nieuwkerken, December 10th 2011