Dear Art Lover,
If you are going to Antwerp or Knokke-Heist, here is a tip for a visit that is worthwhile.
In 2025, Panamarenko would have reached the age of 85. A tribute to this visionary artist is not out of place.
Panamarenko (1940 - 2019) was a visionary artist: cartoonist, theater and television producer.
Like Icarus, he dreamed of the stars, the sky and flying. He shaped this passion in a playful, original way in his work.
We are looking forward to four exhibitions: three in Antwerp and one in Knokke-Heist:
- Panamarenko, journey to the stars, Muhka, Antwerp - 25/1 - 7/9 2025
- Panamarenko, infinite imagination, Print Room KMSKA, Antwerp - 30/1 - 4/5 2025
- Panamrenko, V1 Barada Jet, where personal experiences are addressed, Havenhuis, Antwerp - 3/2 - 2/5 2025
- Panamarenko's zoo at the sea, CC Scharpoord, Knokke-Heist - 22/3 - 24/8 2025
Visit our website on the home screen with an overview of the exhibitions. There is also other info on our website.
Let us bring art together!
Kind regards,
The whole team of Kunst in de Stad Vzw